Saturday, 19 November 2011

Final Blog

My final blog!  My aim is to determine where I think I have improved, in what, have my personal goals been accomplished, am I more aware of my body.  Will I use this knowledge in the future and how?  What are the biggest insights I have noticed and felt throughout writing this blog.

As you may have noticed in most of my previous blogs I talk about my back.  This is because I find and feel that this has the weakest and the least amount of movement range and restricts me a little. From writing this blog and having to really consider and think about it, I have been trying to focus on it more in class. I am currently being choreographed for a solo and this is very much based on the spine.  I was cautious at first knowing the little movement I have in my back but do feel that the techniques we have learnt about and practiced have helped me with this choreography.  I have been aware of the workings of the spine through the techniques we have practiced and feel that they have possibly helped me personally extend the range of movement in that area within the solo choreography. Working on the blog has helped me to reflect as well, it really helps to put the practical nature of our classes into 'the whole'.   I have realised I have to put my body into different positions to get to the actual positions needed and stop compensating for the lack of the movement in another part of the body.  An example I have used is about about my middle back curve and how I used to compensate for my middle back by using my plie more when in fact this was hindering me from getting the shape I should actually have. Researching into different methods and techniques such as the Alexander technique and the Felkendrais technique has helped me understand more about the back and helped me realise I can extend the movement I have by using different exercises.  The positivity of thought is something which I have truly reflected on and the use of positive energy throughout other aspects of life. 
I feel that my personal goal in relation to breath and breathing is almost there!  It is a 'work in progress' rather than a weakness.  From practice and knowledge of techniques I do realise how breath does help increase stretches and breath helps the pain when stretching, sending the breath to where the pain is. Breath also helps in the Graham contraction and allows me to get to my maximum, helps in Cunningham again with the curves. Breath helps relieve tension in places whereas if your holding the breath it creates tension maybe in the neck or shoulders as an example. Breath helps movement look more fluid and adds weight into the movement. When I dance I have realised I hold my breath because as soon as I finish the dance I am so out of breath. Breathing is a natural body movement so why fight it?

I know that I will use many of the techniques we have learned and which I have recorded and explored in this blog for future use either for future technique classes or in my own choreography.

I am currently creating a solo which is energetic and I have included some breath techniques in this.  It has widened my choreographed movements.  Had I not done this course it certainly would not have been something I was aware of and would not have used - this knowledge has extended the range of movement I am able to ask in my choreography.  I really feel now an awareness that breath and breathing has to be part of the dance and should be embraced, not fought against.

An insight and something I could use or think of in the future is the barrier between ballet and contemporary, they oppose each other but at the same time some aspects of them both are so similar. This is something I would like to explore in my own time, I could experiment with this for a choreographic project e.g. taking typical ballet moves and putting a contemporary twist on to it. I am aware that this has been done before and this isn't an original idea but it would be something I would be interested in personally exploring and experimenting with. the idea of making my mind switch between the two techniques in literally a second rather than thinking ballet mode or contemporary mode.

Writing this blog has been very useful as it has made me think about my weaknesses and not just improve them by practical practice but researching into the meaning behind it and reasons why I am the way I am and how I can improve.  The focus on blogging has made me think differently and reflect far more on the techniques we have covered.  It iss also good to see myself dance.  Had we not been completing our blog I wouldn't have filmed myself dancing, but being able to watch myself I have being able to see what are my strengths and where I need to concentrate further work. The pictures show physical progression in my movements which help to have as evidence to be able to see progression rather than just feel it. I hope to keep blogging in the future with progression on techniques and also on ideas for choreographic practices over the next year.

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