This video shows the two way movement and separation of the hips and the upper torso in more detail. I need to take more risk before falling in to the lunge, find my centre in rise and let gravity do its work to bring me into the lunge and also make sure I get a deeper lunge and push myself to the maximum. Use breath to add more dynamic to the movement and add phrasing to the movement, without breath it all has the same dynamic and length of movment whereas breath emphasises different parts and sections of the sequences and adds a softer feeling to others.
Using the back for the initiation of the movement, I find this difficult because I think I could use my back and spiral more but I know that I need to keep my hips still at the same time. Its like the two halves of your body need to be separate and independent of each other, spiral the upper part whilst keeping the bottom half still. This means keeping the two independent of each other. Also include my head in the spiral don't forget about it. |
Preparation into the handstand/cartwheel. Preparing to lift my hips up and keep my legs low. You can see that I'm not really thinking about keeping my head relaxed it should be relaxed in this position ready for the handstand. |
You can see the stretch in my right side whilst leaning into my left side, I think from looking at it I could take the risk more to lean more to the right side and trust that my centre will bring me back and if not I fall over so why does this matter? as I have said many times before its about taking the risk in class and not being perfect. Doesn't matter if I fall over just pick it up with the group at the next chance I get. Also I'm not holding my ribs in this position but I need to keep them 'quiet' so it gives nicer line this Will also show me holding my centre. |
This picture shows me about to go into a lunge, as you can see in the background of one of my fellow dancers. I need to be down further to the floor and then use my front leg to push off from to get to the middle for the next move. To help me with this I could draw upon another technique class and use the idea of the 'yield and push' to help me up. |
This picture shows the handstand/cartwheel you can see that I'm lifting my hips up here and keeping my legs quite low. From this picture I can see that I could push my hips up more so that from the front view there is a straight line down the back, to enable this as well I need to drop my head more so my head is in line with my spine and my neck isn't 'crunching'up. We have been given an exercise to do so that we get the action of the handstand correct it will also help us on our upper body strength. |
This is the first movement of the sequence the idea is to brush the floor like you would in a grande battement excise and then bring it back into the body, use the length of the leg and more before bringing it back into the body. The momentum of this will allow my supporting leg to go up on to a rise as you can see my fellow dancers doing in the background.
Full video and sequence. The pictures are a broken down version of this sequence, I appreciate that the picture above are not perfect but they have been taken in class, this give me a true picture and what I actually do when I dance and I'm not putting it on just for a photo. |
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