The Graham Technique was created by Martha Graham.Graham was an American dancer and choreographer who's influence on dance has been compared to the likes of Picasso and the influence he had on visual arts and Stravinsky's influence on music. Graham broke the rules and the mold of classical ballet and pioneered the first move into modern dance. The fundamental principles in the Graham technique are; contraction, release, weight shift and spirals. The idea of "contraction and release" gave Grahams dancers a look that had never been seen before, the movement gave the dancers a hard, angular look that was different to anything anyone had ever seen, different form the work made by: Ruth st Denis and Isadora |Duncan as this was always very soft and a lyrical way of dancing. Grahams work was often described as 'ugly'.
“Martha and other early modern dancers were experimenting to find individual ways of creating art,” Dakin says. “Be daring every time you move. You’re not there to reproduce what someone else did. Individual exploration is inherent to class and Martha’s movement.” J.Legg November 1st 2006 accessed on:
It seems apparent in the class that you have to be able to take risks throughout, don't play safe. The technique needs volume and energy, Use your breath to get deeper contractions by breathing out and sending the breath there your making it easier for yourself, By holding the breath your fighting against the natural body movement.
Personal Goals:
- Breath into the movements and the contractions, don't fight against it
- Over time I need to work on deepening my contractions and getting a bigger range of movement, this will only come over time and with practice, not just a class once a week
- Trying to create a bigger curve in my back when doing centre work.
How it felt:
At fist it felt strange as there is a lot on going on at one time, a lot of different arms with the body movements and it was a lot to take in on the first class. Although I have done contractions before, the Graham technique demands for deeper contractions "true contractions" it needs a sense of ripple in the body, beginning from the pelvis and up the spine and this is the same for the release, release from the spine upwards and not all in one go. The exercises were very specific to the counts of the music, and also quite fast paced, it really got me thinking and my brain working as there is so much going on.
coming soon: video's and pictures of movements I need to improve and exercise in the class
Exercise on a 6- different points of the exercise
I need to use my core from this position into the next position to push my hips forward I also need to remember to keep my ribs held and not let them relax.
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