Saturday, 1 October 2011

Ballet 27/09/2011

Personal Goals
  • To always remember to keep my ribs pulled in and pelvis tucked under, this will improve my overall posture
  • When doing devlopes to be able to lift from underneath the thigh and not hold it from the hip, this will enable me to hold leg lines for longer and give me the strength that is needed.
  • When on a releve, I need to improve on my ankle strength to enable me to go to the top of my rise without my ankles shaking or letting my ankles sickle.
  • To be able to balance in Passe releve without having to hold on to the bar.
Feelings that occurred
  • Relaxation - When dancing ballet it makes me feel relaxed, especially with the live pianist I feel that I can really lose myself in the dance and the movement and forget anything around me.
  • Determination - I know that if I can't pick up a sequence or I am getting mixed up on a few steps I will always have the determination to go away and practice the sequence until I am happy with it.
  • Acceptance of correction - When given a correction I always take it on board and try and put into practice whenever I need to, I have the determination and work ethic to be able to do this.
Ideas for choreography
   When dancing ballet and watching someone dancing Ballet I have a relaxed feeling about myself; just an appreciation for the movement that is being performed, not having to think too much and just to enjoy that piece of choreography. I would like to be able to portray this in a contemporary piece of choreography and experiment whether this is possible, is it the music? is it the movement itself? is it a mixture of both? can you have this feeling when having no music and it just being completely silent? or does the music give the overall feeling? I am interested in looking into this in more detail.
This is a video of me performing a sequence that we had just learnt, from watching this I realise I need bigger dynamics, a bigger sense of falling into the turn. I will work on this and upload an improved version.
This is a picture of me trying to balance in releve retire, from looking at this picture it is clear that I need to hold my centre, make sure my weight is held forward, I am also slightly sickling my foot.

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